martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

Podio plegable y portátil


Os presentamos IN-PODIUM, un novedoso podio plegable y portátil.

Es un producto único pensado para entidades lúdico deportivas que periódicamente organizan eventos de entregas de premios. Nuestro podio, resuelve los problemas de transporte y almacenamiento que tiene un podio publicitario de tamaño estándar, pesado, voluminoso y fácilmente deteriorable.

Su estructura de aluminio lo hace resistente pero ligero de transportar (15 kg y 61x60x15,5 cm) y resulta rápido y sencillo de montar.

El frontal es personalizable así la publicidad será vista en todas las fotos sobre el evento. Además el frontal es de material translúcido por lo que admite iluminación posterior en caso de entregas nocturnas.

Encontraréis mas detalles nuestra web
Esperamos que la idea os resulte atractiva.

Intrainers Ski Sports S.L.
We introduce IN PODIUM, the brand new folding and portable sports podium for medal ceremonies. One unique, distinctive, and patented product designed for all the sports and entertaining organizations, that manage occasionally sport and competition events for individual athletes or teams.

IN PODIUM, settle in one easy way the transportation and storage problems concerning the fact of maintaining in clubs one podium with your publicity of standard size, heavy, with a lot of space consuming and breakages if not having the right storage space.
His aluminium structure makes it resistant but light of transporting (15 kg y 61x60x15,5 cm), and it’s very quick and easy to mount.

We are able to personalize the front design within request, we fine-tune the publicity and logos to fit the size, and your club/sponsor images will be distinguish in all photos and reports about your event.

The front panels are translucent and can be outfitted with a spot back light to power your advertisement during nigh events. You will find detailed information about IN PODIUM in our web
Hope you like it!!
Intrainers Ski Sports S.L.